(Get inspired!) ๐ฅ
๐ ๐ ๐ TEXT (Matthew 24:37-39)
_'But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.'_
๐ฎ TOPIC:*As the Days of Noah*
In the days of Noah, God told him to build an ark in preparation for the flood that God wanted to send upon the earth to wipe away everything in the surface of the earth, because of the level of wickedness and evil at that time. Noah found favour in the sight of God, as a righteous man on earth at that time. The ark was to be a means of escape for every man and beasts, but unfortunately many people ignored this great offer and were busy doing their own things until the appointed time, when it started to rain heavily upon the earth.
It was only Noah and his family with every living creature after their kind both male and female, that were in the ark, when the rain descended for 40days and night non-stop. It was too late for the people to believe the truth. They didn't believe the words of Noah, while he was telling them about what will happen. If, they have listened they would not have perish. They took the word of the Lord lightly and they bore the consequences. The people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered the ark and shut the door in. They were busy about their normal business and turned deaf ears to the word of the Lord, until the door of grace was shut.
The coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is likened to the days of Noah. The people knew not that the flood was coming, until it took them all away. There was no where to hide and no one could come to their rescue. Even, if they cried at that moment their voices might not be heard and the door couldn't be open for the safety of the lives of those who are in the ark. Jesus is coming back soon for His beloved people. Are you in the ark already? Or you don't even believe that He's coming again. Don't be deceived. Repent and come into the ark, the door of salvation is still widely open. Jesus is the door and way that leads to eternal life. He's the escape route from the corruption that is in the world and the judgment coming upon the children of disobedience. Don't procrastinate the day of your salvation, tomorrow might just be too late. If, you hear His voice today, harden not your heart.
Lord, I'm grateful for your mercies endures forever. Help me Lord to be fully prepared for the day of your appearance to carry away your people in glorious rapture to eternal home and rest in Jesus name. Amen!
©️Living Oracle Media 2024
...to see all nations of men become God’s habitation
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