Manifesting His Glory through Miracles

 *40 Days of Power and Glory* ๐Ÿฝ️๐Ÿ’ฅ☄️

DAY 32

 _Manifesting His Glory through Miracles_ 

 _'This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him.'_ (John  2:11) 


๐Ÿ‘๐ŸพPrayer Bullets

I give you praise Lord for your wonderful works of grace

Halloweth be your name. I worship and reference your holy name 

Oh God of heaven and earth, you are mighty and powerful 

You're a great God above all gods

Father, have your way in my life 

I'm for signs and wonders in my generation 

I manifest the glory of God through Miracles, signs and wonders 

I glorify Christ by the demonstration of God's power 

Everything I do and say will bring glory to the name of the Lord 

My life is a reflection of God's glory 

The nations will see the glory of God, as the gospel is preached and confirmed with miracles

Father, let miracles flow through my hands 

Father, do outstanding miracles through me that will make many people believe in the Lord Jesus Christ 

The glory of Christ shall be seen everywhere I proclaim His word in Jesus mighty name 

Thank you Lord, because you have heard and answered my prayers in Jesus name. Amen! 


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