Overflowing Thanksgiving to God.*


(Get inspired!) ๐Ÿ”ฅ 

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 _'All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.'_ ( 2 Corinthians 4:15) 

๐Ÿ”ฎ *Overflowing Thanksgiving to God.* 

The Lord is committed to His church. Every member in particular is valuable to Him. In the parable of the lost sheep, the shepherd left the ninety sheep and went out to look for the one which was lost. Everyone is important to him and cares for all equally. The Lord raises shepherds to feed His flock. He sends his servants to difficult places across the globe for the sakes of the lost souls, that they may know the Lord and call upon His name and be saved. 

The pain and hardship of God's servants are for the benefit of the body of Christ. These are men who harzarded their lives for the sake of the gospel to reach the Unreached people groups on the face of the earth. They leave their comfort zone and become witnesses of good news, bringing hope to people who are hopeless and faithless. They make sacrifices, bearing precious seeds to sow in the heart of men that will endure for eternity. 

They are dispenser of God’s grace that the grace reaching more and more people might cause an overflowing Thanksgiving to the glory of God. The weak finds strength and courage through the word of God. Salvation is revealed to people and Thanksgiving is multiplied among the nations unto God. They become eternally grateful to God for the amazing grace that finds them in their hopeless situation. They receive divine transformation through the power of God's word, as the grace of God steps into their lives and change their identity giving the hope of eternal life. 


I bless your name Abba Father, my heart is full of thanks and praise. I'm forever grateful and pray that the Thanksgiving will overflow, as many other comes to know you through my testimony in Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen! ๐Ÿ™

©️Living Oracle Media 2023


...to see all nations of men become God’s habitation
