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_'For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign LORD. Repent and live!' (Ezekiel 18:32)_
🔮 *Chance to live*
The loving kindness of the Lord is great. He's a very compassionate God. He doesn't take pleasure in the death of a sinner. The Lord is gracious to all and sundry. He so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to redeem all mankind unto Himself. He's so much interested in every lives to rescue us from the hand of the enemy of our soul.
He has given us the chance to live again. 'The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is life eternal.' Sinners deserves death, but the Lord has provided a great opportunity for sinner to survive the peril of sin which is death. The chance that the Lord has given to everyone is repentance. He gives you the opportunity to turn a new leave and come to His embrace of love to be saved. There are consequences for every step and action taking outside the will of God. There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. (Proverbs 16:25)
The Lord is patiently waiting for us to fully return to the bishop of our soul. The perseverance of the Lord over this long period of time is to provide opportunity for those who are still lost to change and seek His salvation. The arms of the Lord is not too short to deliver or save. But, it's sin that separates man from God. Death keeps knocking, when you are living a sinful lifestyle. Repent and live! The shocking thing is that there's no repentance after death. The chance to live the fullness of life in God's eternal plan is only granted, while you are still alive. Make the right choice today. Choose life!
Father, I'm grateful for this great opportunity to see life. I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and repent from all my sins. Therefore, I receive the life of God into my spirit in Jesus name. Amen!
©️ Livingoracle media 2023
...to see all nations of men become God's habitation
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