_'Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me.' (Isaiah 46:9)_
🔮 *Remember the Works of God*
We may tend to soon forget the faithfulness and great works of God in the time of old. The testimony of old is a great weapon to win today’s battle. David remembered how God helped Him to deal with the lions and bear in the wilderness with his bare hands and used that courage to face Goliath. The experience of the power of God in the past gave him the confidence to face a greater challenge. Though, he was so small to face the giant warrior of the army of philistine, but his faith was so strong to bring down Goliath.
Sometimes we shiver at fresh challenges, forgotten that the Lord has given us victory over something similar in the past. Never forget the testimony of the works of God in your life, which you have experienced in the past, because they become a bridge to cross over in the future challenge. Constantly, remember the words of God and His wonderful promises.
He is God and never change. He's the same yesterday, today and forever. (Heb. 13:8). The Lord God of heaven and the earth can be trusted. There's none like Him, you can't find anyone elsewhere like Him. It's better to stick through to Him and patiently wait on Him to do that which only Him can do. Every power in heaven and in the earth belongs to God. You can put your life in the line to entrust it in God's care and you will never regret it.
I praise you almighty Father, for you are great and greatly to be praised. I remember the former works of old which you have done and believe you that you will do something bigger and greater in my life now and in the future in Jesus name. Amen
©️Living Oracle Media
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