*Love your Wife*




 _'Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her' (Ephesians 5:25)_ 

🔮 *Love your Wife*

A lot of young people aspires to get married, but very few really prepares for it. The rate of divorce in our generation is a clear evidence of this truth. Any home that is not built on a true and genuine love cannot stand. Love is an active verb in marriage. When love fades away in a home, then the marriage is gone. 

Love is not only essential when you are starting the journey of marriage. You must continue to prove that you love the person who you have chosen to live with for rest of your life, that's why a young man must carefully make a choice of who to marry, because you must love your choice. God would not force you to marry anyone, but only guide and convince you about the choice of whom to marry. Adam's response to God's question after they fell in the garden was like a kind of accusation, pointing that it was the woman who God gave her, that gave him the forbidden fruit. 'And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.' (Genesis 3:12). Nevertheless, there is the will of God in marriage and it's the best and perfect gift. 

Choosing God's will in marriage will give you a blissful home, but you also have a very vital responsibility to make the marriage work. Love covers multitude of offences I.e sin. The person may definately have some character flaws, but love will shape everything at the long run. We are to love, as Christ love the church. It's quite amazing that with all our weaknesses, Christ still loves the church. He was so committed to build the church and promised that the gate of hell shall not prevail against her. He gave His life, as a ransom to seal this promise. Love protects, it never fails.


Father, thank you for your amazing love and grace. Help me as a husband to love my wife, even as you love the church in Jesus name. Amen

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