Desiring God's Will*




 _'Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.'_ (Psalm 143:10) 

🔮 *Desiring God's Will*

The best choice in life is to do the will of God. But, knowing the will of God precedes doing it. You can't know His will, if you are not taught. There are depth in the knowledge of His will, that only God can teach you. Your heart must be open to follow God's will. There is a permissive will and perfect will of God. The flesh is always contending with the will of God in our mind and wouldn't want to be submissive to the will of God. 

It should be the earnest desire of every child of God to seek to know the will God. The word of God is a life manual and guide to lead us to know the basic concept of God's will. But, must remarkably God put His Spirit inside us to search the deep things of God and reveal them to us. Don't silence the voice of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is there to help and guide you in crucial decision making. He is the 'compass' that know the bearing and the direction of your life. It will be foolishness to be arguing with the Holy Spirit. 

It is the Spirit of God, that can lead you to the level ground. The journey of life is rough, you need to follow the one who knows the road map to your destiny. Personal ambitions cannot take you to that level ground. Run the race patiently with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Over speeding without the caution of the Holy Spirit is an error posing your life in great danger. Sometimes, you need to pause and ask yourself, if you are on the right track to destiny. 


Thank you Lord for the gift of life. I desire to do your will oh Lord, teach me to know your will for the rest of my life, in Jesus name. Amen

©️Living Oracle Media
