_'David also said to Solomon his son, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished. (1 Chronicles 28:20)._
🔮 *Strength and Courage to do the Work*
Every great work requires strength and courage. You need strength and courage to press forward in the face of adversities. There are unforseen difficulties, which may want to stop the work halfway. The key to succeed in any project is strength and courage. You maybe naturally weak, but if you will accomplish any great task, you need to be strong.
It's the strength in the inner man, that bears the internal and external pressure to meet the demands of the task. You put on the strength and courage to do the work. It may look complex and beyond your physical capacity, but with the help of God, the work can be fully accomplished.
The limitations that you see is not an excuse to opt out of God's project and purpose. Do not put confidence in the flesh, believe that with God all things are possible. Faith is the link to spiritual strength and courage. Believe that, you can do the work. David encouraged his son, Solomon to do the work of building the temple of the LORD. This seems to be a great task. But, he told him not to be afraid, assuring him of God's presence throughout the project. Anything, that we do involving the backing of God's presence will definitely succeed.
Halloweth be your name everlasting God. I receive strength and courage to do that which you have assigned me to do in my life time, in Jesus name. Amen
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