' _Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness.' (Genesis 15:6)_
🔮 *The Credit of Faith*
Faith is the currency that flows in the kingdom of God. It's fills the gap between the spiritual and earthly realm. Everything in this life is basically based on faith. You cannot walk or sit without having faith that you will not fall down. If, you lack the faith that when you go out, you will not come back, it will be difficult to leave your house in the morning. Faith enables us to take certain risks. It was by faith that we understood that the world which we see today was framed by the word of God.
Faith credits our spiritual account with righteousness. It was father Abraham that first exercise this kind of faith which was forecasting the experience that the believers are to have in the new covenant I.e the righteousness which comes by faith. It shows that faith produces righteousness.
Faith gives us access to the account of the righteousness of Christ which enables us to have a right standing with God. You cannot operate in the kingdom of God without faith. Someone will be stranded without the currency of faith. Your spiritual account will be bankrupt without the flow of the currency of faith. The credit of faith is righteousness which is the root of every blessings from God.
Thank you Father, for the understanding of your word. I receive the grace to exercise faith everyday of my life, in Jesus name. Amen
©️Living Oracle Media
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