'Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.' (1 Chronicles 16:11)
🔀 *Seek the LORD* 🔀
It's so glaring that humans cannot be independent of God. The Lord is the habitat of all flesh. He's the source of all things and any tree that is cut off from the main source will soon dried off. It's a matter of time, it may still appears fresh for sometimes after the disconnection from the source, but after a while the result will manifest.
It's only God that is reliable and dependable. Man can even disappoint himself, but the LORD never fails. The scripture is admonishing us to look to the LORD and His strength. Our focus should be on the Lord and His strength. He has the power to take us far in the journey of life. There are times that we reach breaking point and limits, but when we seek the Lord our strength gets renewed and we are able to continue.
Our pursuit of God must be consistent. It's not something you do at any convenient time. You prioritize seeking the Lord in your daily schedule. You don't get comfortable without communing with God before the day pass by. Confusion sets in when we lose focus on God. Seek the face of the Lord always.
I'm grateful Lord, for the privilege to draw closer to seek your face. I look unto you and your strength this day and I'm helped, in Jesus name. Amen!
©️ Living Oracle Media
Email: edeninternational2020@gmail.com
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