The Key to Maintaining Spiritual Stability*


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 _"I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved." (Psalms  16:8)_ 

📍 *The Key to Maintaining Spiritual Stability*📍

Believers must understand the key to maintaining spiritual stand with the Lord and not be moved or shift ground when there is turbulent times. There are challenges of life, which will come to test your faith in the Lord. Your eyes must be fixed on the author and finisher of your faith. 

Don't set idol before you, but the Lord. Idols will robb you of the Lord's abiding presence and help. Christ is the only solid rock and sure foundation, every other grounds are sinking sand. Make sure that, you are standing always on that rock and believe like the psalmist that the Lord is at your right hand, then you shall not be moved. 

The trials of faith and temptations only come to shake you and make you shift the ground from standing upright. Don't be full of yourself, but fully depend on the LORD and He will give you a way out. There's no any problem that you have in life, which doesn't have solution. The Lord will hold your hands and see you through your dark times. 


Eternal God, I'm grateful to you for the spiritual understanding and enlightment. Please Lord, uphold me with your mighty power and let me not be moved in Jesus name. Amen! 


Celebrating 2 Years of the DAILY PORTAL'S INSPIRATION. #June 8.

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