_"Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced," (1 Chronicles 16:12)_
📍 **Remember His Wonders and Miracles*📍
We humans tends to easily forget the wonderful works of God, in the face of fresh challenges of life. Our God does not change in nature and character. He remains faithful from time to time and from generation to generations.
If, He has been good to you in the past, then expect His goodness and mercies even now. The perfect way out of the present trouble is to remember His wonders and miracles of old. There are certain juncture in the journey of life, that you have experienced the divine intervention of God. This should be put in constant reminder for the future. There are judgements that the Lord has pronounced in our favour, which we must enforce by faith to prevail in difficult times.
Don't allow today's pressure to shut down your faith in God. The wonders and miracles of God are innumerable. If, you look into the scriptures you will find a story similar to your own situation, which can boost your faith in God for the same miracle. When you remember God's wonderful works and miracles, it leads to thanksgiving and open the door to experience more of His wonders and miracles.
I'm grateful Lord for your wonders and miracles of old. I'll continually remember all that you have done in the past and be able to witness it, as a testimony to everyone around me, in Jesus name. Amen!
Celebrating 2 Years of the DAILY PORTAL'S INSPIRATION. #June 8.
©️ Living Oracles Media
Email: edeninternational2020@gmail.com
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