The Promise of Power



 _"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)_ 

📍 *The Promise of Power*📍

The Lord emphasized the promise of power to the disciples. He did not want them to be distracted about the matter arising on the speculation of the time, when the kingdom would be restored to Israel, but to focus on receiving power by the time the Holy Spirit comes upon them. They were to tarry in expectation of this great promise. 

It’s quite challenging today that, the church may seems to be distracted by many other things and does not pay maximum attention to the promise of this power, which is indirectly affecting the advancement of gospel mandate in all the nations of the world. The sending capacity of the church is determined by the people with the power of the Holy Spirit, who are ready to take the word of God beyond the four walls of their congregation. 

We have been so much pre-occupied with our selfish desires and ambitions leading to the negligence of fulfilling our divine calling to evangelize the world. There must be a holy quest for the power of the Holy Spirit to become an effective witness of Christ, everywhere that we find ourselves. 

The promise of power is to all believers both great and small. We can't be relevant in the fulfillment of God's purposes for our lives in the earth without receiving the promise of the power of the Holy Spirit. The baptism of the Holy Spirit paves way for the power of God into our lives. The promise is for us and our children. 


Blessed be your name, oh Lord. I trust and believe in you Lord Jesus. Let the promise of the power from on high become fulfilled in my life, in Jesus name. Amen! 

©️ Living Oracles Media

