Powerful and Effective Prayers




 _"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." (James 5:16)_ 

📍 *Powerful and Effective Prayers*📍


Prayer is not just a religious exercise, but a spiritual activity to connect with God and receive answers. There's powerful and effective prayers, which moves mountain and make the impossible possible. The authority in prayer is not in the pattern of prayer, but in the vessel that prays.

Elijah was a man of like passion, he shut down rain by prayer over a whole nation for three and half years and prayed again and it rained. Believers must recognize the authority in payer and utilize it well to the glory of God. We have heard about men, who prayed and commanded results. Your prayer too can become effective in demolishing strongholds and changing things. 

It’s not a special skill that you need to pray powerful and effective prayer. It's all about having a right standing with God. This will give you the confidence to approach the Lord and ask whatever you want Him to do. Sin is a resistance to prayers. Don't hide your sins and be asking something from the Lord, it's a waste of time. But, when you confess your sins and ask that even the little one among the brethren, who is having a right standing with God to pray for you, the prayer will be powerful and effective to command great result. 


Thank you Lord for the gift of prayer. I do not want to always pray in vain. Lord, let my utterance carry weight and power to command miracles, in Jesus name. Amen! 

©️ Living Oracles Media

Email: edeninternational2020@gmail.com
