The Humble Gets Quick Attention from the LORD*📍



 _"Then he continued, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them._ 

📍 *The Humble Gets Quick Attention from the LORD*📍


Humility was a key factor in the report of the angel to Daniel. Since the first day, that Daniel sets His mind to gain understanding and to humble himself before God, his words were heard and the angel told him, that he had come in response to them. 

This shows that humility is the fast link to get connected with heaven and get quick attention from the Lord. Seeking the face of the LORD with a humble heart moves the hosts of heaven into action in the earth. A humble heart is never denied access to the throne room to receive immediate attention. 

Pride must be totally defeated in our lives, in order to gain unfailing access in the presence of the Lord and get quick attention to our petitions. The hands of the LORD are not too short to deliver and save, neither does his ears heavy to hear us. We must apply the right and appropriate key to get quick response to the pertinent issues of life. The Lord is willing to reveal all things, to as many who will humbly seek His face. The ministering angels are on the move in response to the heart cry of the humble. 


I worship you Lord, the king of all the earth. I pray that every issues in my life, family, church and nation shall receive urgent attention, as I humble myself before you, in Jesus name. Amen! 

©️ Living Oracles Media

