Power to Heal Sicknesses and Cast out Devils*


🛐 *50 days of Power and Glory.* 💪💥

Day 44

♐ *Power to Heal Sicknesses and Cast out Devils*


 _And he ordained twelve, that they should be with Him, and that He might send them forth to preach, and to have power to heal Sicknesses, and to cast out devils. (Mark 3:14-15)_ 


The Lord chose the twelve for specific purposes. The first and primary purpose is that, they should be with Him, which looks like the main priority. They were primarily ordained to be with Him, in order to learn of Him and be  conformed to His image. The next line of action, which He has purposed for them is a probability. 'That He might sent them forth to preach.' He may decide to send them and may not.

He will only send out, those who are approved of Him from the secret place of communion and fellowship with Him. It is faithful disciples, that are ripe to be send forth to preach. Disciples are made to be able to fully represent Christ, wherever they go to preach. Preaching and healing the sick are part of the Lord's plan and purpose for believers, but it seems not really the priority, than to first be with Him.

It is as our intimacy with Him grows, that power is released for ministerial assignment to preach, heal the sick and cast out devils. We will abuse the power, if we lack the wisdom to apply it appropriately. It's not difficult to receive the power, once our hearts are right and the Lord will be glorified in the way we use the power. It takes an anointing of power to get rid of certain sicknesses and cast out devils. You can connect with the power to become an agent of liberation in your generation. 


Thank you Jesus for the power available to heal all manner of Sicknesses and to cast out devils. I receive fresh baptism of power to do signs and wonders and set every captives free, in Jesus name. Amen! 

©️Living Oracles Media

Email: edeninternational2020@gmail.com
