Building up Yourself in Faith*



 _"But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit." (Jude 1:20)._ 

📍 *Building up Yourself in Faith* 📍


Faith is not something that is static, it has the ability to grow. It's by building ourselves in the most holy faith, that our faith level can increase. Faith is beyond just religious beliefs, it's more of a lifestyle. You live out your faith life, by making it a consistent practice. 

'Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.' You cannot separate a faith life from hearing of the word of God. The word of God builds you up in the faith. It's not only by praying in the Holy Ghost, that we build ourselves up in the most holy faith. It's an addition to building up ourselves, while the word of God serves as the bedrock. 

Praying without adequate knowledge of the word of God is a waste of time, but when you combine praying in the Holy Ghost with the knowledge of the word of God is a powerful combo to become strong in the faith. If, you are well built up in your holy faith, you will be unmoveable by the storms of life. Your heart will be firm and fixed on the LORD and He will always be there to save and deliver you at every point in time. 


Blessed be your holy name righteous Father. Help me Lord to daily focus on building up myself in my most holy faith and be able to continually pray in the Holyghost, in Jesus name. Amen!

©️ Living Oracles Media

