*50 days of Power and Glory. 💪💥*
Day 14
*#The King of glory Shall Come in*
_'Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.' (Psalms 24:7)_
There are gates in our lives, city, and nations that must be lifted for the King of glory to come and take His rightful place. Your heart must be prepared and open to receive Him. There are gates that are locked up and closed, over destinies. It's Christ that can unleash the destiny for which you were born.
You have to violently command the gates to be lifted and the king of glory shall come in to dwell in your heart. The glory of the LORD will overwhelm your life, once Christ is enthroned in your heart. The glory will reflect from the inside to the outside for people to see the glory of God upon you.
The gates stands for resistance, which must broken. You will have to recognize, such gates and address them by the word of the LORD. Whatever the gates represent in your life, family and nation, they must give way for the king of glory. The Lord need to gain access to do the work of transformation in our lives and the society at large.
Thank you eternal Father, for Your word is settled in heaven. I command every gates in my life, family, church and nation to be lifted now, for the King of glory to come in and reign in Jesus name. Amen!
©️Living Oracles Media
Email: edeninternational2020@gmail.com
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