(Get inspired!)
_"He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” (Revelation 21:5)_
*I am Making Everything New*
This day is a very significant day in the year. It marked the beginning of another calendar year. A brand new year, that no one on earth has never seen. The grace and mercy of God has brought us into the new year. You will have to deliberately forget all the pain and sorrow of the past years.
The one who has authority and power over all things is saying from the throne room, that He's making everything new. You'll have to believe this and see the manifestation of the new things that the Lord has promised.
The earth has gone through series of shakings and it's due for a renewal. The Lord will renew the face of the earth in this season. The inhabitants of the earth will have to draw near to God in this season. If, we would sincerely repent and forsake our wicked ways, the promise will not tarry.
It does not matter what the experience has been in the past years, there will be an emergence of new things in your life, family and nations. The status quo is changing, remember not the former things. There's a close or end to a particular chapter in your life, you are entering into a new chapter of newness.
I praise the Lord for the privilege to see the new year. I pray the new things which the LORD has promised, will begin now in my life, family, church and nations in Jesus name. Amen!
©️Living Oracles Media
Email: edeninternational2020@gmail.com
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