(Get inspired!)
_"The LORD said to Job: “Will the one who contends with the Almighty correct him? Let him who accuses God answer him!”_ (Job 40:1-2)
*Can a Man Contend with God?*
There are people who point fingers at God for their misery in life. They question God, because of their grieves and pains. Some murmurs and grumble against God. This is the way men seems to contend with God.
There are mystery that we must understand about God. Believers must have the right knowledge and perspective about God, in the midst of difficulties. God is good in all circumstances. He doesn't change His characters. He is not unjust, and can't be unjust in your own case.
Who are we, as mortal man to question and contend with the Almighty God. See beyond your pain, and acknowledge that the Lord is ever faithful. What answer will God's accusers gives back to Him, who is infinite in wisdom. God is loving and caring, don't let the enemy get it twisted and give you a wrong notion and perspective about God.
Lord, I'm indeed grateful to you for your love is amazing. I pray that you will renew the right Spirit within me. I cannot contend with you my maker. I receive grace to be humble at all times and acknowledge the faithfulness of God all the days of my life, in Jesus name. Amen!
©️Living Oracles Media
Email: edeninternational2020@gmail.com
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