(Get inspired!)
_"Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again." (Exodus 14:13)._
*You will Not See the 'Egyptians' again*
The Egyptians oppressed the children of Israel and would not let them go with ease, until the Lord dealt with them with an iron hands, through His servant Moses and Aaron. When Pharaoh saw the mighty hard dealings of God, through many signs and wonders, he decided to let the people go, but had a plan B to catch up with them after they left.
The Egyptians would not give up. They pursued the Israelites to the red sea, they thought that would be there end. The Israelites were afraid, because they were aware that the Egyptians were pursuing them. But, the Lord instructed Moses to tell the people not to be afraid. God's people only needs to stand firm and see the deliverance that the Lord will bring to them.
The Lord assured them that the Egyptians they see today, they shall never see again. I don't know the Egyptians that has relentlessly pursued you from the beginning of this year, till this time. The Lord is saying to you today, that you shall never see them again. You shall see the great salvation of God. Stand firm and see the deliverance which the LORD will bring your way, as you wait on him.
Thank you everlasting Father for your great help in times of trouble. Deliver me, family, church and nation from whatsoever represent the Egyptians today, in Jesus mighty name. Amen!
📍GLOBAL MISSIONS CONFERENCE 2021 comes up this weekend Friday and Saturday 5th&6th Nov. 2021. Be there! Click the link below to pre-register free of charge.
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Email: edeninternational2020@gmail.com
Amen.. lovely