(Get inspired!)
_"Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father;" (1 Thessalonians 1:3)_
*Your Work and Labour of Love shall be Remembered*
Your work of faith and labour counts here, in this side of life and also in eternity. The impact that your life has made over time shall be remembered by those lives that you have touched. We shall all someday pass away from this earth and it toilings, but will only be remembered by what we have done.
Don't live for yourself alone, affect lives and your generation positively with your kind gesture and attitudes. Create an atmosphere of love and peace around you, because when you exit that environment your work and labour of love shall be greatly felt and brought back to memory.
There are certain people in life that you cannot easily forget, their lovely memories sticks to your mind, though they might still be alive. Your heart longs to see them again, this was the experience of Apostle Paul with the Thessalonians brethren. He was remembering them without ceasing basically for three things; Their work of faith, and labour of love, as well as their patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the sight of God, the Father.
There's a work of faith that you will be remembered for, faith without corresponding work is dead and fake. Faith produces good works, as a strong evidence and sign of it tangibility. Good works cannot stand by itself, faith provides a support platform for it not sink. Your work of faith and labour of love are not in vain, for the righteous God is not unjust to forget your labour of love.
Thank you faithful Father, for encouraging my heart. Help me to press hard in my daily walk with you, relentlessly. Remember me oh Lord for good, at this point in my life, in Jesus name. Amen!
©️Living Oracles Media
Email: edeninternational2020@gmail.com
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