*The Religion that is Pure and Fautless*


(Get inspired!)



 _"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." (James 1:27)._ 


 *The Religion that is Pure and Fautless* 


If, there's a religion that is pure and fautless, definitely there'll be the other side. We shouldn't practice religion without an understanding of the practices that is acceptable before God and the Father. 'If, the foundation is faulty what can the righteous do?' We must not build up religious life on a faulty foundation. The beliefs, doctrines and principles should correspond with the word of God.

It’s quite unfortunate that religion today has been polluted by falsehood doctrines and practices, that doesn't match the righteous standard of God's word. Orphans and widows are being neglected even in the congregation and were not been cared for in the time of their distress.

There's misplaced of priorities, many are more concern about the lifeless building and structure rather than raising and nurturing people on Christ behalf. Many have lost the bowels of compassion to show mercy on the less privilege. True life is not living to enrich yourself, but to impact lives through your sacrificial giving. There are people around you, that God has raised you to be a blessing to their lives. Don't claim to be spiritual or religious, when you ignore the core responsibility of your spirituality and calling.


Thank you Lord for the opening of my eyes to the knowledge of your word. Please, have mercy on me for my negligence and I don't care attitude. Renew my heart and help me to do that which pleases you, in Jesus name. Amen!

©️Living Oracles Media

Email: edeninternational2020@gmail.com
