(Get inspired!)
Acts 3:6
_"Then Peter said, Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”_
*You Definitely Have Something*
Everyone has a substance with a great potential to multiply, but as human we focus much on money neglecting substances, that we have which could be even more valuable than money. There are things too great for money to purchase. Peter rebuked the sorcerer that was trying to offer money for the gift and power of the Holy Spirit. The absence of cash presently in your wallet does not mean that you are empty. As a matter of fact, money doesn't exist on it own, it was made with a substance for monetary transaction.
The particular substance, that a man has produces money to meet his needs, it could be a skill. There are physical and invisible substance. Gold is manufactured with a substance, which is refined in the fire and make available for sale in the market. Faith is an invisible substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. If, you have faith even as little as a mustard seed, you definitely have something greater than the earthly substance. The substance of faith calls things that be not as though they were.
The apostle Peter and John acknowledged, that they do not have silver nor gold to give to the lame man, but they realized they had something and they gave that which they have. The problem of the man was permanently solved. He did not need to beg for alms anymore. It is until you discover that you have something, that you can always be a blessing to people around. Money is limited, but the supernatural is unlimited; key into the supernatural and make a difference in your generation.
Heavenly Father, I thank you for that which you have freely given unto me. Help me to walk with the consciousness that I have something and never to look down on myself, in Jesus name. Amen!!!
©️Living Oracles Media
Email: edeninternational2020@gmail.com
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