*Living with the View of Eternity*


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John  12:25 

 _"He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.  12:26 If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour."_ 


 *Living with the View of Eternity* 


Christianity offers every individual the opportunity to live in this world and make it count in eternity. It's not a mere religion, but a total way of life. We can't manifest the new life in Christ to the fullest, until we die to the old nature. There will be a constant conflict with the new man, if you don't allow the cross to daily deal with the old man.

The physical and natural life should not make us forfeit the life eternal. There's a life beyond death and it's for eternity. Don't live only for this world, live with eternity in view. Everything that, a man possess with their glory and the man himself will one day fade away out of this world. 'The voice said, Cry. And he said, What shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the flower of the field: The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: because the spirit of the LORD bloweth upon it: surely the people is grass. The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.' (Isaiah 40:6-8). 

The rich man whom Lazarus begged for crumbs, which fell from his table was short sighted of eternity. He neglected the poor man in his days on earth and enjoyed the pleasure of the moment alone. The tide turned, after he crossed over to the other side in hell, which is not condusive. He was in pain and agony, yearning for a drop of water from Lazarus who was now comforted at  the bossom of father Abraham.  'But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.' (Luke  16:25). This struck my heart in the above verse, Abraham called the rich man Son while replying him; but he missed out of the comfort of heaven. The little kindness that, you do for anyone in this life count in eternity.


Heavenly Father, I thank you for your loving kindness. Please, help my life to count both now and in eternity, in Jesus mighty name. Amen! 

©️Living Oracles Media

Email: edeninternational2020@gmail.com
