*Amazing Love of God*


(Get inspired!)



1 John  3:16 

 _"Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren."_


 *Amazing Love of God* 


There's an indepth of the love God, that we perceive in the gospel. It wasn't such a love on the surface, which only stops with the confession of mouth or ordinary affection of love, it was thoroughly demonstrated with action. We perceived the love of God, because of the death of His only begotten Son for our sake. (Jn. 3:16)

The Son of God committed no crime. He was sinless in this world, but laid down His life for we sinners that we may live. What an amazing love of God, 'while we were yet a sinner, Christ died for us.' The love of God made we that were once unprofitable, now profitable. 

It’s until we understand the depth of the love of God, that we can pass it on to others and win many souls to Christ. It was God's amazing love, that prevailed and win us to His side. It's not only for us to experience this amazing love, but to also willing do the same for the brethren. 


Hallowed be your name great God and everlasting Father. I pray that, everyone around me perceive your amazing love and also ask for grace to demonstrate the sacrificial love for the brethren and neighbors around me, in Jesus mighty name. Amen! 

©️Living Oracles Media 

Email: edeninternational2020@gmail.com
