*Refilling of the Holy Spirit*


(Get inspired!)



Acts 4:31

 _"After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly."_


 *Refilling of the Holy Spirit* 


The gift of the Holy Spirit received, shouldn't lie dormant inside of you. Prayer should be a consistent practice to ignite the fire of the Holy Spirit. Prayerlessness will drastically reduce the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon a believer. Fervent prayer and intercession is needed to explore the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially speaking in tongues to always keep your inner man edified.

The baptism of the Holy Spirit enabled the disciples to pray effectively like never before, that the place where they were meeting was shaken. And the result was that, they were again filled with the Holy Ghost and preach the word of God with boldness. We most times give excuses about carrying out spiritual responsibility, because we fail often to tarry in the secret place to draw strength and power to accomplish the task, at any given time .

A one time filling of the Holy Spirit is not enough, you need to keep refilling and refueling the fire with seasoned prayer in your quiet time. Remember that, the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit in Acts 2:4 and again here in Acts 4:31. Prayer and the study of the word are spiritual disciplines a believer should maintain consistently, throughout one's life time. Your constant fellowship with God takes you to a higher level of walk and work in the Spirit.


Blessed be Your Holy name LORD, for the filling of the Holy Spirit. I open up to be filled up again and again. Dear Lord, satisfy and quench the thirst of my soul, in Jesus name. Amen!

©️Living Oracles Media

Email: edeninternational2020@gmail.com
