*The Joy of Seeing Believers Walk in the Truth*


(Get inspired!)



3 John  1:3 

 _"For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth.  1:4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."_ 


 *The Joy of Seeing Believers Walk in the Truth* 


The knowledge of truth comes to us that we may live and walk in the truth. The choice is ours either to walk in the truth or to keep dwelling in ignorance. You are set free by knowing the truth. Walking in the truth makes you to experience freedom within you and helps you to walk in the glorious liberty of the children of God.

The ignorance of the truth is costly. There is always a price to pay for ignorance. The price that one pays for gaining knowledge is better than the price one pays for ignorance. The truth is precious, it is a great treasure to them that find it. Truth might be bitter at taste, but sweeter than honey deep down inside the belly. 

It brings great joy to our Heavenly Father and our spiritual leaders when they see us walking in the truth. God delights in us, when He sees His children walking in the truth. We are not just to be hearer of the word only, but learn to rightly apply the knowledge of the truth by being the doer of the word. Apostle John in his epistle above said, he had no greater joy to see his children walk in the truth. 


Dear God, I thank you for showing me the path of truth. I always long to make you rejoice over me. Help me to walk in the truth and always make right choices, in Jesus name. Amen!!! 

©Living Oracles Media

#Eden International Missions Network

