*Answers to Prayer*


(Get inspired!) 


Daniel  10:12 

 _"Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words."_ 


 *Answers to Prayer* 


We have recently considered the key principle of prayer. The key principle of prayer must be apply for our prayers to be heard and answered by God. This virtue is essential to approach God's presence  and offer up prayer with the expectation of getting answer. Delay is not denial, the answer to prayer sometimes is in progressive order. We keep holding on by faith till the answer arrive. 

The words of Daniel were heard, since the day he set his heart to understand and humble himself before His God. God took notice of the humility aspect. Daniel placed himself in the appropriate position to get God's attention. The words of Daniel were first heard before answer came. There's no judgement or justice in the court of law without the process of hearing from both parties involved. 

It is when our prayers are heard that we can expect answer. We must deal with hindrances to prayers to get answers to prayer. An angel was sent by God to give answer to Daniel's prayers. And he comforted Daniel to fear not, because he had come for his words. God can send an angel or men, as an answer to our prayer. When you have prayed right, wait for the answer. 


Lord, I thank you because you answers prayer. This is the confidence that we have in you, that if we ask anything according to your will, you hear us. Let your will be done in Jesus name. Amen!!!

©Living Oracles Media

#Eden International Missions Network

