*Turning People from the Power of Satan unto God*



 *Day 30* 

 *Turning People from the Power of Satan unto God*


Acts  26:18 

 _"To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me."_ 


Apostle Paul was sharing his encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ and the ministry he was given  to do. It was in a defense of the charges laid against him, before King Agrippa. He was speaking with confidence in Christ, because he knew and understood what exactly he was called by the Lord to do. The encounter he had with Jesus was an unforgettable experience and always willing to share it in the moment of his trials. He was given ministry to the Gentiles to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light and also from satanic powers unto God. There are people still under the bondage and influence of satanic powers today, which need to be delivered and be turned unto God. This kind of experience is what we call power encounter. When there is a supernatural spiritual encounter, the power of Satan will bow to the greater power of God in Christ Jesus. There is power in the gospel, it can open the eyes of people who are spiritually blinded to receive Christ and be totally free from demonic power holding them captives. It is our responsibility to preach the gospel in the demonstration of the Spirit and of power. "And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:" (1 Corinthians  2:4 ).


♦️Thank you Father, for the exceeding greatness of your power available to us in Christ Jesus. 

♦️I thank you for the mighty working of your power in me to do your will. 

♦️I pray and ask that, you will visit the church in this last days with your mighty power to exhibit your power to save the lost, in Jesus name. 

♦️I command every contrary evil powers and forces in my territory to bow to the supernatural power of God, in Jesus name. 

♦️Father, turn many unreached people groups of the world population from darkness to light, in Jesus name. 

♦️Oh Lord, open the eyes of understanding of the unsaved souls to receive the glorious light of the gospel of Christ shining on them. 

♦️We break and destroy every demonic and satanic powers resisting the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ from penetrating the dark regions of the world. 

♦️Father, let many souls be turned from the power of Satan unto God, in Jesus name. 

♦️We destroy every evil altars raised against our family, church, city and nation, in Jesus name. 

♦️Oh Lord Jesus, deliver the people in the world from the spiritual forces of darkness holding them captives. We break the bands of wickedness and satanic yokes upon their necks, in Jesus mighty name. Amen!!! 

©Living Oracles Media

#Eden International Missions Network


 _...to see all nations of men become God's habitation._
