*Day 36*
*Power to Tread Over all the Power of the Enemy*
Luke 10:19
_"Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you."_
The disciples were given power to tread upon serpents and scorpions, as well as over all the power of the enemy. The same power is available today for every believer. We could see that power manifested in the life of Paul, who wasn't one of the twelve with Jesus at that time. Paul gathered a bundle of sticks to lay inside fire to warm himself, because of cold and suddenly came a deadly snake called viper from the heat and fastened on his hand. The barbarians who saw the scene, thought it to be judgement on Paul, accusing him to must have been a murderer, because of consecutive terrible experiences that happened to him and thought he won't escape this time around, saying vengeance suffers him not to live. They were convinced that the snake has bitten Paul and expected that he should be swollen or fallen down dead, suddenly. But, they were surprised that it was the snake that died and the man of God was not harmed. The venomous snake must have been dead the moment it had contact with Paul's body, because the next thing was that he shook the beast into the fire. 'And he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm.' (Acts 28:5). The word of the Lord became fulfilled that, 'nothing shall by any means hurt you.'
♦️Hosanna in the highest, blessed be the name of the Lord.
♦️You're mighty in power and glory. Nothing can be compare with the exceeding greatness of your power and glory.
♦️Father, let me find grace in your sight to experience the supernatural power from above.
♦️Fill me with power to live above pains and hurts.
♦️I'm raised up with Christ by the power of resurrection to live a victorious life, in Jesus name.
♦️I shall tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy unharmed, in Jesus name.
♦️No weapon formed against my life and family shall prosper. Nothing shall by any means hurt me, my family, and every kingdom citizens in Jesus name.
♦️My life is preserved from every danger and I shall live to fulfill purpose, in Jesus name.
♦️Father, disgrace every power of the enemy seeking to destroy my life, home, church, and nation, in Jesus name.
♦️I neutralize every power that the enemy is using against me and make them of none effect by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ.
♦️I drink of the blood of Jesus Christ and flush out every poison in my system. I neutralize every effect of poisonous food eaten in the dream, in Jesus mighty name. Amen!!!
©Living Oracles Media
#Eden International Missions Network
_...to see all nations of men become God's habitation._
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