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Exodus 34:21
_Six days thou shalt work, but on the seventh day thou shalt rest: in earing time and in harvest thou shalt rest._
*#Observe an Adequate Rest*
We have seven days in a week and God has given us six days to work and one day to rest. God laid down the example in the very beginning of creation. He created all things in six days and observed Sabbath on the seventh day.
It wouldn't have been necessary to know that God rested on the seventh day, if it wasn't important for us to learn and understand the importance of rest. It simply means rest was part of God's plan for creation.
There are some that observes Sabbath on Saturdays, while some observe it on Sundays but the most important thing is to observe an adequate rest once in a week. For those that does shift work, your off day is a good time to observe and give the body rest.
The observation of Sabbath is for our own good. The body that we put on is an earthen vessels and subjected to weakness, it needs rest to refresh itself, over labour without adequate rest can shorten one's life. It's rare that you fall sick often, if you are observing adequate rest. 'In earing time and harvest time thou shall rest.'
The final goal of all our labour in the earth is eternal rest with God. Everyone, should strive to enter into God's rest which is the ultimate.( See Heb. 4:1). Labour while yet it is day, for the night comes when no one can work.
#God bless you!
Father, I thank you for your love and opportunity provided to rest in you. I pray you grant me wisdom to observe adequate rest which you have instructed by the scriptures, in Jesus name. Amen!
©Living Oracles Media
#Eden International Missions Network
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