#Whom Shall I send?

(Get inspired!)

Isaiah  6:7
 And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.  6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.

#Whom Shall I send?

Prophet Isaiah, heard the voice of the Lord immediately his sin was purged. The Lord was contemplating on whom he could send to be a representative of heaven in the earth. There was an urgent need for a prophet at that time. Though, Isaiah has been ministering from the chapter one of the book of Isaiah until chapter six when his eyes got opened and saw the Lord on the day king Uzziah died. He acknowledged he was a man of an unclean lips and God in His mercy touched his lips and took away His iniquity. Prohet Isaiah could not ignore the voice of the Lord, when he heard it. "Whom shall I send and who will go for us?" He volunteered to step into the calling of God.

The expectation of God is that His children will respond to Him, when He calls and in need of someone to send out for the advancement of His kingdom in the earth. God is in need of available vessels upon which He will pour out His Spirit and enable them for His service. If you are truly sanctified with the truth of God's word, you will be able to hear the heart cry of God for the nations of the world and you'll not be quiet about it but moved by the Holy Spirit to make yourself available to run an errand for your Heavenly Father.

A true child will hearken unto the voice of His Father. It is only, if we have lost spiritual sensititivity that we cannot hear the voice of the Lord in this present time. His voice has gone throughout all the nations of the earth. "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us." It is only responsible children that will respond to this clarion call. Some may be waiting for a loud audible voice of their names before they can agree that God has called them. If you can recognize the voice of your Father, as Isaiah did, you will say here I am, send me.

#God bless you!

Thank you my Heavenly Father for the insight received from your word. Purge me from self and sin. I'm available and at your service, use me to the glory of your name. Amen!

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©Living Oracles Media
#Eden International Missions Network
