*#The Cause for Curse*

(Get inspired)

Jeremiah  17:5

 _Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.  17:6 For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited._

 *#The Cause for Curse*

There are things people do ignorantly, which have been the cause for curse.  It is good to trace the source of every problem to the root of the matter and deal with it appropriately.

God knows every intent of man's heart. He wants our hearts to be align with him all the time. Nothing, should take the position of God in our hearts. Man should not be a substitute in which we trust. God uses human beings to bless each other but they shouldn't be the subject of our faith and trust.

The fact that, someone close to you is rich doesn't mean you should trust in their riches. The rich themselves should not even trust in their wealth. Your wealth should not replace the position where God should occupy. That's why it is difficult for those who have worldly riches to pray. Thinking, what exactly do they want to ask God for? Some may even say to someone close to them, why do you bother yourself to pray, when you can ask me anything you want.

Trusting in man and making flesh an arm can make someones heart to depart from the LORD which end result is a curse. The cause for curse is when a man's heart is disconnected from his God, the creator of all things. The curse in such case is automatic. We can't live independently of him that created us. The cause for many calamity that has come upon the world is due to the fact that, man has separated himself from the rule of God and try to implement their own devices and counsel. If we will repent today, the curse will be taking away.

#God bless you

Dear Heavenly Father, we bring repentance on behalf of the nations. Forgive us our sins and take away every curses by the redemption of the blood of Jesus Christ, in his mighty name we pray. Amen!

©Living Oracles Media
#Eden International Missions Network
