*#A Wise Child Makes the Parents Glad.*

(Get inspired)

Proverbs  23:24
 _The father of the righteous shall greatly rejoice: and he that begetteth a wise child shall have joy of him.  23:25 Thy father and thy mother shall be glad, and she that bare thee shall rejoice._

 *#A Wise Child Makes the Parents Glad.*

A wise child is such a child that choose the way of righteousness, even in a perversed generation. You can have money and fame but, if righteous living is missing in your lifestyle, all that you claimed to have is vanity.

You may indeed appear successful, but it is not the kind of success that good parents can take joy and pride in.

 _"A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one's birth." (Ecclesiastes  7:1)_

It is quite unfortunate that, our generation is distracted with false acclaimed success and 'making it syndrome'. The society sees you, as not yet making it or successful when your exotic mansions and cars are not on display, pushing everyone in the world system into a rat race, that only death could hault. We celebrate failed lives, which heaven weeps for and neglect the pursuit of an unfading glory. Other things will fall in place, when you give priority to seek the kingdom of God first.

The real joy is in living a peaceable and righteous life. It doesn't only bring great joy to our earthly fathers and mothers but also to our Heavenly Father, who sees what we do in the secret. Joseph lived that kind of life and prosper everywhere he went, even in the prison, because God was with him.

Heaven sorrows over the life of an unrepentant soul, no matter how stinkingly rich the person is but rejoices when a sinner repent. The death of a sinner is a loss, while the death of the righteous is a gain to heaven. Heaven does not measured success by how much things you accumulated in this world.

'The life of a man does not consist in the abundance of things he possessed.' He will leave them all behind one day. He can't cross over to the other side with any of the things he has gathered in the world with his hands. That's the mystery of life. Your success in life is measured by how you lived while you are in the body and the fulfilment of your purpose, the reason for your existence.

#God bless you

©Living Oracles Media
#Eden International Missions Network
