7:8 Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me.
There are situations of life, that we have to confront and get back on track to God's ordained destiny for us. That you have fallen spiritually or your career/business has collapsed doesn't mean you cannot longer rise up.
If a child falls down, he will look front but if an elderly person falls down he will look around to see if there are no people behind, that are making jest of him/her. Whatever the condition that you have find yourself, don't settle down for it, without making steps to get up and make progress. Some people says, they have accepted 'fate.' Is that written in the word of God?
That hopless situation is subject to change, if you will confront it with the written word of God. You can experience a supernatural shift in your financial status, you can experience a sudden change in your marital status, you can experience a divine connection in that jobless condition, you can experience a miraculous pregnancy and deliver a bouncing baby in nine months time. The status quo can turn around by the living word of God that you are reading this day, if you so desire a change in that particular area of your life, that is causing pain and shame. Jesus can turn your ashes to beauty and your shame to glory!
Confront that situation, and tell the enemy to the face, not to rejoice against you.
#Make this declaration.
Rejoice not against me, o mine enemy. I shall arise by the word of the Lord. I'm not staying on the ground for too long. My God, in whom I trust shall lift me up and set my feet upon a high place. My reproaches are taking away, and I'm washed by the blood of the lamb. I have no regrets of my past, my conscience is purify from every dead works. The LORD shall be a light to me, when I sit in darkness. I'll not be afraid of darkness, because his presence overshadows me everywhere I go, in Jesus name. Amen!
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